Chiara’s class works hard to provide opportunities for every child to learn and grow. A classroom community is developed through socializing with peers, encouraging individual creativity, and enhancing communication opportunities. Each child can communicate feelings in his/her own unique way in a safe, comfortable environment. Children are offered the opportunity to learn about themselves and how to get along with others with the support of patient and caring staff. Students are given the opportunity develop a love of books while enhancing early literacy development. Each child will get a chance to engage with books, learn through books on tape, acting out stories, and putting stories to song/music.
Children in Chiara’s class also have the opportunity to get messy! Through sensory play experiences that focuses on body space awareness, physical activity, and how our senses teach us about our world. Chiara's class is always moving and grooving, using music and movement to support learning. The classroom environment and activities are thoughtfully created ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn and participate capitalizing on their individual strengths.